Trainings & Workshops
Trainings. Consultation.
Anti-oppressive Safer Spaces.
Trainings & Workshops
All of our trainings and workshops are based in anti-oppression as well as adapted for your specific organization or event needs. We also develop specialized sessions on request.
Anti-oppression & Creating Safer Spaces for Organizations
This is a 3-4.5 hour long training for organizations and businesses. This training is focused on creating safer spaces within your organization with an anti-oppression and anti-racist lens. It actively creates a safer space for people to explore, deconstruct and understand how oppression can impact our work and relationships. Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of anti-oppression, why safer spaces / policy are needed as well as specific information on responding to various forms of discrimination. Together, through interactive activities, we explore best practices in creating anti-oppressive safer spaces and policy generally and specifically within your organization. This training is ideal for all members of an organization to attend together so it can be integrated into their work as well as policy development.
This training includes:
*Pre-training consultation to help us tailor the training to your organization or programs unique needs.
* Resources and reading materials based on training topics provided to all staff.
*If requested, after the training, we can provide customized consultation and policy recommendations based on staff engagement and feedback that will help you develop or update your safer spaces policy.
*Training evaluation survey opportunity so that we can continue to collect feedback and insights that will inform the relevancy and strength of our programming.
Bystander Intervention Safer Spaces Training
This training is for community, safer space volunteers, security and / or staff of organizations who will be front-line in responding to safer space concerns or upholding safer space policy at events, festivals, conferences, bars, etc. Our training is trauma-informed and anti-oppression based. Every participant will leave with a base of knowledge in anti-oppressive safer spaces and tools to respond to disclosures of discrimination or sexualized violence appropriately.
This training includes:
*Pre-training consultation to help us tailor the training to your organization or programs unique needs.
* Resources and reading materials based on training topics provided to all staff.
*Training evaluation survey opportunity so that we can continue to collect feedback and insights to inform the relevancy and strength of our programming.
Creating Anti-oppressive Safer Spaces 101
This presentation is an hour long and is an introductory style workshop which explores what anti-oppressive safer space is while sharing examples and promising practices. This session is best suited for conferences, events or as a short organizational professional development session.
This training includes:
*Pre-training consultation to help us tailor the presentation to your event / organization’s unique needs.
Creating an Anti-oppressive Culture of Consent
In this session, we will define consent and explore how to build “anti-oppressive consent culture” within your organization/space. Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of anti-oppression, sexualized violence / prevention, what it means to create a culture of consent through promising practices.
This training includes:
*Pre-training consultation to help us tailor the training to your organization or programs unique needs.
*Training evaluation survey so that we can respond to questions and collect feedback / insights that informs the relevancy and strength of our programming.
Interested in booking a training or workshop? Email us at